An Evolution of Design and Innovation from Sukoshi's Perspective. An imaginative scenario of how the emergence of design fields is based on the needs of the Industry. Later with the same context, I tried to explain what a designer's role should be.
During the Industrial revolution, lots of factories started. Machines were made and needs were created for selling the goods. A force of engineers joined hands to create goods faster by machines. People switched handmade businesses to factories.
When things got a bit stabilized, marketing took an edge by selling products to the people. Door-to-door salesman, advertisements, and packaging emerged. Hence a new scope that collaborated with the marketing emerged.
The artists took the job of selling and took the work on their shoulders. They used to represent the product for visibility. They started making the advertisement to seek. When the art meets its purpose it is to design.
They were the first designers. Soon they became representatives of the customers and started asking critical questions stating, what if things were made differently?
They started designing products keeping the usability in the center, that is Human-centric design. Soon The different institutions began teaching these skills as part of the curriculum. Different pathways emerged to practice these human-centric methods. Hence design was born. The best products have functions unnoticed which make the design unique. You like the product and don't understand why. The best designs are invisible to notice.
What is the first thing you notice is the aesthetic of the product! Hence lots of designers in different industries are asked to make things pretty. Ignore these requests, because they might not understand the design. It is the responsibility of a designer to understand the requirement, weather how much the product needs to be aesthetic and functional.
A consumer just knows that I want to buy this product because designers play with the subconscious mind and conscious mind. People's conscious mind reacts to the outer looks of the product but the subconscious mind analyzes the functions.
Hello, This is Sukoshi Nagar. A Multidisciplinary designer. I am willing to share my thoughts on Design and Innovation. Please Subscribe to receive notifications when I post. I am planning to post a blog monthly.